

The Associated Students of Colorado State University (ASCSU), is the officially recognized student association at the Colorado State University, Fort Collins. ASCSU is known as one of the largest and most established student organizations in the nation. In addition to controlling funding for student clubs and organizations, providing resources and student programming, overseeing commercial activities and student services including The Collegian in partnership with the Rocky Mountain Media Corporation, the ASCSU advocates for students on a University, local, state, and national level and represents the student body on administrative campus committees.

The ASCSU Constitution

“We the Students of Colorado State University hereby establish a government by the students, for the students, based upon the principles of equality and inclusivity for all, to participate fully in both its formal and informal activities; as our right to the liberty of our own education, our right to liberty of our college years, and our right to govern our own lives in the pursuit of becoming better educated peoples of the world; do establish this constitution of the Associated Students of Colorado State University.”

Who We Are

Founded in 1917, ASCSU was the original students’ association of the Colorado State University when Fort Collins was the only CSU campus. The state of Colorado’s statutes mandate that students must review all student fees on campus for CSU. From that, ASCSU was formed. During the early twentieth century ASCSU controlled a wide range of student services- anything on campus that was not related to academics was run by ASCSU including student conduct, the student store, and all student organization services.

Today, ASCSU continues to lead the way in how students’ association represent, advocate, and serve students on campuses in the CSU system, Colorado, and the nation.

The Associated Students of Colorado State University advocate and organize for all students in order to better enhance their educational experience and provide a welcoming environment in which students can thrive. 

The ASCSU Constitution establishes a student government with elected officials modeled after the United State’s separation-of-powers and plural elected executive governance structure.

  • Each year ASCSU holds a regular election to choose it’s new President, Vice President, and Speaker of the Senate. All members of the Association, that is all undergraduate and graduate students at CSU, can vote. Regular elections are held in early April. Students vote on RamWeb, which guarantees fair, transparent and proportional elections results.
  • The Executive Cabinet are chosen by the elected President/VP following their inauguration. The President and Vice President serve as the head of the Executive Branch for the entirety of the following school year.
  • Senators are made up from their respective colleges, having been appointed and ratified. They represent not only individual colleges but organizations on campus as well.
  • The Judicial Branch consists of seven Justices, plus the Chief Justice, who serve year-long appointments and are appointed by the Chief Justice and ratified by Legislative Branch.

The ASCSU President and Vice President monitor the health and well-being of the Association and the student body which they represent, work to implement campaign platforms with the assistance of The Cabinet, and carry out any other duties as set forth in this Constitution, and the Bylaws.

View the ASCSU Guide Book

Green and Gold book

Organizational Breakdown

Similar to the U.S. Government, we model our separate branches based on the principal of checks and balances. The ASCSU is comprised three branches:

  • The Executive Branch is led by the President and Vice President. The cabinet is comprised of various departments which are ran by directors, deputy directors, and interns; they are all hired and appointed by executive leadership.
  • The Legislative Branch consists of ASCSU senators and associate senators who write, review, and approve bills, resolutions, and lexes. They also ratify all incoming members of ASCSU.
  • The Judicial Branch is led by the Supreme Chief Justice, appointed by the President. The rest of the Supreme Court is appointed by the Chief Justice and are focused on striving for the fair and equal treatment of all students during conduct proceedings at the University.

These positions are voted on by the student body through RamWeb.

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Speaker of the Senate
  • Speaker of the Senate
  • Senate Leadership (Elected within Senate):
    • Speaker Pro-Tempore
    • Parliamentarian
    • Recruitment and Retention Officer
    • Committee Chairs
  • Office of the President
  • Directors and Deputy Directors (Cabinet)
  • Chief Justice
  • Deputy Chief Justice (appointed by Chief Justice)
  • Senators and Associate Senators
  • Office of the President Interns and Department Interns
  • Associate Justices

These boards requires specific member(s) from the given branch.

Executive Branch:

  • Rocky Mountain Student Media Board
  • Board of Governors
  • Student Fee Review Board
  • Board of Student Organization Funding
  • Travel Grant Board

Judicial Branch:

  • All University Hearing Board
  • Appeal Hearings
  • Pre Admit Hearings

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is in the ASCSU?

Every student is a member of the organization per the ASCSU Constitution. Any member can be an officer of the organization as long as they have a 2.0 GPA.

What does ASCSU really do for me?

There are several things that ASCSU directly does for you. We provide services such as RamRide, the Collegiate Readership Program, Transfort, For-Ever-Green t-shirts, and funding for student programs. ASCSU also lobbies the Fort Collins City Council and sometimes the State Capitol on behalf of the students.

I have something I want to change on campus, how do I do that?

There are several ways to achieve change, you can always be on the lookout for new job openings, come in the ASCSU office and meet with a sitting member from any of the three branches, contact a member, put forth a petition into Senate or reach out to the front desk and find out a way to make change.

How can I change student fees?

The best way to help impact and change student fees is through joining the Student Fee Review Board. You can contact the Vice President of ASCSU if you are interested in joining the board.

Can ASCSU help my student organization with a program we’re doing?

Yes, ASCSU can endorse as well as fund student organization programming. Again, you can contact a Senator to help get your program endorsed. You may also contact the Director of Finance to connect with someone who can help you pursue funding through the Board for Student Organization Funding.

Who do I contact about tailgating for CSU sporting events?

You can reach out the the Director of Traditions and Programs, they will be able to answer any questions that you have.

How do I get involved with ASCSU?

There are several ways to get involved in ASCSU. The best way to get more information on our various involvement opportunities is through our Get Involved Page.

Where can I register to vote for local, state, and national elections?

You can register at CSU’s Voter Registration Site which works for in-state and out-of-state students who are US citizens.