Academic Relations
The Office of Academics serves to educate students to be informed citizens, thoughtful stewards, critical thinkers, and responsible leaders. The Office of Academics works with faculty and staff in the University’s undergraduate program areas and graduate programs to offer an engaging, high-quality educational experience for an intentionally diverse mix of learners.
Academic Resources
Scholastic Standards
Scholastic standards are mandated by the faculty through the Faculty Council Committee on Scholastic Standards. Policies regarding probation, dismissal, and appeal are determined by the faculty and CSU in their absolute discretion subject to acceptance by the governing board of CSU.
The Institute for Learning and Teaching advances research, promotes effective practices, and provides direct support to faculty and students to enhance learning, teaching, and student success. TILT works to achieve its mission within the Colorado State University community by creating and supporting collaborative programs, initiatives, and activities among students, faculty, and staff in the divisions of Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Enrollment and Access.
Office of the Provost
The responsibility of the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President is to provide academic vision and leadership to fulfill the land-grant mission of Colorado State University. The Office will articulate, communicate, and facilitate the development of fundamental values basic to the University’s mission and administer academic programs and policies with utmost respect for and attention to our constituents’ needs.
Contact the Director of Academic Relations
For questions and/or concerns related to academic affairs, higher education policies, or the Board of College Council Presidents, please contact our current Director of Academics.