The Judicial Branch

The Judicial Branch of ASCSU was founded upon the concept of striving for the fair and equal treatment of all students during conduct proceedings at the University, whether those proceedings are through the office of Conflict Resolution and Student Conduct Services or through the Associated Students of Colorado State University. The Court remains committed to creating a safe environment, promoting student success, and representing student interests in the CSU community. The Court as well has judicial authority over ASCSU. This responsibility includes interpreting, upholding, and enforcing the ASCSU Constitution, acts of the ASCSU Senate, acts of other ASCSU boards and committees, and the bylaws of the ASCSU Supreme Court. The members of the Judicial Branch sit on the All University Hearing Board (AUHB), Appeal Hearings, and Pre-Admit Hearings.

Role of Judicial Branch

The Judicial Branch is responsible for enforcing the ASCSU Constitution, the ASCSU Code of Ethics, and any legislation or governing documents within the organization. Active members in ASCSU can request an Opinion/Review from the Court or file Internal Complaints against any active member in ASCSU.

Student Resolution Center

The difference between the Judicial Branch and the Student Resolution Center (SRC) is the SRC enforces the Student Conduct Code while the Judicial Branch within ASCSU enforces the ASCSU Constitution and the ASCSU Code of Ethics. After a student has a hearing with the Student Resolution Center, the student has ten days to appeal the decision

Judicial Court Information


Chief Justice

Morgan Wright

                                                                              Email Chief Justice Wright 


Deputy Chief Justice

Sam Abadie

                                                                         Email Deputy Chief Justice Abadie

Associate Justice

  Daniel Scott Perez

Associate Justice

    Katelyn Brennan

Associate Justice

         Sara Kiros

Associate Justice

       Briery McCoy

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Associate Justice

          Jala Ward

Associate Justice

Melanie Brousseau